Price comes first when shopping for groceries.

3 11 2008

The following report taken from Amarach Research Blog and

Research carried out by Amárach Research on behalf of the National Consumer Agency shows that over half of grocery shoppers are now making their decision on where to shop based on price.

The research showed that 56% of grocery shoppers are shopping in a particular store based on price. A survey carried out earlier this year by the NCA showed that only 31% were influenced by price.

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James Bond’s Phone – Sony Ericsson c902

1 11 2008
Sone c902

Sony c902

I think I love this phone already… 5 MegaPixel camera on a Sony phone. Mega….
Although I must admit that I am being heavily swayed by its’ association with James Bond.  I’m not one who is usually influenced by endorsements or product placements and I can gennerally see the trees from the wood, but the connection between Sony and James Bond is really making me want this phone!  I’ve read good and bad reviews about it, and to be honest there seems to be better phones on the market.  The Nokia N96, Samsung Pixon and the iPhone are serious competitors but they don’t seem to have the same sort of ‘class’ as the C902.  I’ve never used or even seen the phone in real life so I know that im basing my opinion purely on the image Sony have generated for this phone.  In this case Sony have hit their market (i.e. me) square on the head.  Bang on… Now all I need is the cash…

Sony C902 - James Bond

Sony C902 - James Bond


31 10 2008

Movember (the month formerly known as November) is an annual charity event held during November.

At the start of Movember guys register with a clean shaven face. The Movember participants, known as Mo Bros, have the remainder of the month to grow and groom their Mo, raising money along the way to benefit men’s health – specifically prostate cancer.

Movember culminates at the end of the month at official Gala Partés, Mo-Office and Mo-Town parties where Tom Selleck and Borat look-a-likes battle it out for their chance to be the Man of Movember.

While growing a Mo is left to the guys, Mo Sistas (ladies who support their guys or just love Mo’s!) form an important part of Movember by recruiting Mo Bros, helping to raise funds and attending the highly anticipated Gala Partés.

But it’ s not all fun and games, so why the extreme behavior?

Which ever way we look at it, men are far less healthy than women. The average life expectancy for men is five years less than for women.

Creating Awareness.

Men lack awareness about the very real health issues they face. There is an attitude that they have to be tough – “a real man” – and are reluctant to see a doctor about an illness or go for regular medical checks.

Movember aims to change these attitudes and make men’s health fun by putting the Mo back on the face of fashion and in the process raise some serious funds for key men’s health issues, including:

Movember is proud to partner the Irish Cancer Society for the raising of funds and awareness of Prostate Cancer across Ireland.The money raised by Movember will be donated to Action Prostate Cancer – an initiative of the Irish Cancer Society. It will be used to educate men on risk factors for developing prostate cancer, provide information and support to men if they have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and highlight the need for men to be treated in specialist centers (major cancer treatment hospitals) where they will have access to best practice treatment and care provided by multidisciplinary teams.

The Movember Foundation is an Australian based, not for profit, charitable organisation that implements the Movember event each year across the globe.

The Movember event creates awareness around men’s health issues and raises funds for carefully selected beneficiary partners in each country that are also charitable organisations, with a focus on prostate cancer.

Since its inception as a formal charity in 2004 Movember has raised over $30 million (AUD) globally, significantly increasing awareness of prostate cancer in the community, and is continuously working to change the attitude men have about their health.

Movember’s beneficiary partner in Ireland is the Irish Cancer Society, which was founded in 1963. The Irish Cancer Society is dedicated to preventing cancer, saving lives from cancer and improving the quality of life of those living with cancer through patient care, research and education. All funds raised by Movember in Ireland stay in Ireland and go directly to the Irish Cancer Society.

Julian Beever – Street Art

30 10 2008

Julian Beevers 3D perspective street art has recently generated great worldwide interest. It is not suprising to see that some companies have already tapped into its popularity to advertise their brands.  It is an exciting platform that can really capture the imagination of the masses, generate free advertising, and generate a buzz about a brand in a very cost effective manner.  I would not be suprised to see an influx of this advertising style in the nearby future.  Watch this space.






The only anti ageing tool you’ll need…

29 10 2008

Masculine, Direct, Simple, Clear.
Clinique hits the nail on the head with this new crystal clear visual campaign. I like it a lot.

IKEA has arrived

25 10 2008

Driving along the M50 today it was clear to see the dominating force that is IKEA has arrived in Dublin.  Although its opening date is still a great distance away, its’ building has already made a stamp on the Dublin landscape.  Its bold illuminated letters already ozzes on confidence and authority that IKEA has already established in other countires.  I can’t wait for the store to open and look forward seeing some of the advertising tatics they will adopt.  Have a look of some of their past campaigns for an idea of what we are to expect as the opening date approached, perhaps with a more localised touch.

Integrated Reality

24 10 2008

This fantastic slide sourced from on Amarach Research Blog demonstrates the various environmental, technological, cultural and social changes undergoing in todays climate.

“If MySpace were a country, it would be the 8th Largest country in the world”

Marketers cannot ignore the power of the people, word of mouth communications, social networking sites, new web applications and the potential force of strategic online or viral compaigns.